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GSoC Project Update: Alpha release of Remoting Kafka Plugin

Pham Vu Tuan
Pham Vu Tuan
July 5, 2018

I am happy to announce that we have recently released an alpha version of Remoting Kafka Plugin to the Experimental Update Center. You can check the CHANGELOG to see the features included in this initial release.


Current versions of Jenkins Remoting are based on the TCP protocol. If it fails, the agent connection and the build fails as well. There are also issues with traffic prioritization and multi-agent communications, which impact Jenkins stability and scalability.

Remoting Kafka Plugin is a plugin developed under Jenkins Google Summer of Code 2018. The plugin is developed to add support of a popular message queue/bus technology (Kafka) as a fault-tolerant communication layer in Jenkins. A quick introduction of the project can be found in this introduction blogpost.

How to use the plugin?

The instructions to run the plugin in alpha version are written here. Feel free to have a try and let us know your feedback on[Gitter] or the!forum/jenkinsci-dev[mailing list].

About the author

Pham Vu Tuan

Pham Vu Tuan

Pham Vu Tuan is a developer from Singapore. He starts contributing to Jenkins from Google Summer of Code 2018 for Jenkins Remoting over Message Bus/Queue